Funny 50th Birthday Poems

It can be extremely difficult to find the perfect words when looking for a funny 50th birthday poem. Finding a funny 50th birthday poem that will not only make someone laugh but is special, personal and uplifting can be quite a quest.

If you are going to write the poem yourself try to concentrate on funny aspects of the persons personality such as their annoying habits, embarrassing moments or a funny catch phrase they use over and over again. Combining these qualities will help you build a funny 50th birthday poem.

There are of course people that are willing to create a funny 50th birthday poem on your behalf. All you need to do is find an online poet, send him or her as much information as you can and they will produce a funny 50th birthday poem for you that is both unique and personal.

An example of a funny 50th birthday poem would be

Hike It!

I would like to tell you a story,

I think it will be one you like,

because it's about a special person,

and a rather special hike.

Life has plenty of valleys,

with many a mountain to climb,

sometimes its hard to find the track,

at others its hard to find the rhyme.

But you are such a wonderful person,

you have risen to the challenges in your life,

a successful career, a beautiful home,

you are a caring Mom and a loving wife.

But life does not always go to plan,

you can get stuck in a crevice or two,

but you have always kept calm and collected,

you have always known just what to do.

And we all miss your Mom so very much,

life can not always be a calm and placid sea,

but it is nice that you felt close to her,

when climbing (and rhyming) your poetry.

You are a genuine and caring person,

you have been there when it mattered the most,

we all know that we can rely on you,

you are like a dependable leaning post.

You have been both judge and jury,

counselled many a case over so many years,

you have waded through rivers of emotion,

and probably sailed across a lake of tears.

It must have been hard for you,

reading those lines each and every day,

and then to come home each night,

and not act out the words in the play.

And now your Fifty years are up,

that is about 17,250 days,

but you are still growing so much,

you are growing in so many exciting ways.

And you are a bit of a roamer,

everybody knows that you love to rove,

but beware that two pots and an absent mind,

usually make for a very hot and smoky stove !

And we wonder at your wandering,

off you go when the weather is fine,

wandering into a rock or two,

or wandering right across the line !

So we wanted to wish you the best,

that is what these lines are for,

just know that we love and care for you,

and wish you at least another fifty more.

And as this sentiment comes to an end,

we hope indeed that you like it,

because we have one last wish for you:

Go chase your dream, GO Hike It!

Once you have written your funny 50th birthday poem whether it be for you friend, a parent or sibling consider presenting it in a card or something a bit fancy rather than just handing them a piece of paper.

Funny Birthday Poems For A Boyfriend

Have you ever realized that there is better way of sending funny birthday poems for a boyfriend? You are probably sending your funny birthday poem for a boyfriend through the regular mail. Well if you are a member to an online social utility, then it would be easier for you to send messages like those for free. An online social utility is a website where you can sign in or register for free and use all the applications and tools available for you. Post on your blogs, chat online, send messages, post comments on forums and the list goes on.

If you are a member to this social networks or online social utility, your poems can be seen worldwide on the internet or you can make private. When you make it private, it would only be you and whoever you allow to see it. You will be the one who will dictate who can and who cannot see your poems. You may also want to create your own group of classmates or friends that are really into poem writing and that kind of stuff.

Memberships to these social interactive networks are mostly free. Becoming a member gives you a lot of choices in terms of sending and communicating to your boyfriend or the people around you. To connect and communicate to people you know cannot be easier. You can find people too, on a network like this. Best of all you can chat online with your boyfriend, relatives, classmates, schoolmates and people you know.

There are other things you can do with your poems. You can write more a let the whole know who wrote them, and then you become an instant celebrity or a well known poem writer. Some people make a living writing poems or write them on a part time basis. And the best vehicle for you to be known and recognize is through this social networks. The benefits of being part these groups are the free access to keep in touch with your friends or boyfriend. Another thing you can do is create a group of people who do the same thing as you do so that you can connect and communicate on how to do things.

It is so common nowadays to be a member of an online social utility network especially younger people. They love being well connected to their classmates and schoolmates that some of them may be registered to two or even five different websites. It is a craze that is going to be very popular especially sending messages and keeping in touch.

In today's world, sending messages are mostly done online or through the internet. Using short messaging services can cost a lot of money if you use too long or more frequently. Whereas, in an online social utility network, it is free and you can do it for hours or as long as you can click the mouse of your computer. Thus, sending a funny birthday poem for a boyfriend can be done easier using a social group or community.

Birthday Love Poems

Guys, if you are like the rest of us, you probably have a hard time letting her know how you really feel. Birthday poems written from the heart can express what you have always wanted to tell her, but could not find the right words. Special birthday love poems are thoughtful and tender, letting her know how much she means and how much you love having her in your life.

Ladies, you know how hard it can be to shop for your man. The shirt and tie just doesn't get across the way you really feel about him, and he already has more DVDs and gadgets than he knows what to do with. Birthday love poems that really mean something can let him know that you are thinking only of him on his special day.

When you share your love for one another through special birthday love poems, you are sure to grow closer than ever - enjoy the bond you share in your intimate relationship and show the love you feel for your beloved.

One popular love poem includes this beautiful verse:

My love for you, lives by the truth,

Always keeps me in my youth.

When it sees, our trust and hope,

It climbs and conquers any slope.

What better way to share the depths of your enduring love, than to let the words of this specially created birthday love poem speak for you? Profess your deepest feelings and let your beloved know that your love persists beyond everything else with this moving verse and others like it.

For a new love, light and tender birthday love poems celebrate the excitement and soaring feelings that come with a new relationship. And the longer you have been together, the more you know each other's every thought and mood - you can express this closeness best through a thoughtful piece of poetry designed to commemorate a special birthday occasion.

Timeless verses can send the message that your love is forever, and that whatever life brings, you are there to support and care for one another. The birthday love poem you choose is the perfect way to celebrate this special occasion and create a memory that lasts a lifetime. Give a gift that will always be treasured - let your sweetheart know your innermost thoughts and bring your relationship to a new level.

Birthday poems with rhyming verses can help you to express the thoughts you want to share. The right poem will show your beloved how special they are to you and how important they are in your life.

Share romantic birthday poems with your significant other, and make him or her feel truly special on their day of celebration. One-of-a-kind birthday love poems are gifts from the heart that will be cherished forever - the best gift you can give to the one you love.

My appreciation for poetry inspired me to create Special Birthday Poems. This is a website where I share my rhyming birthday love poems. I have been writing these poems for nearly 3 years.

My selection of verses has poems that are suitable for any birthday celebration. Each category contains a number of meaningful verses that are created to make each birthday a day to remember forever. Feel free to browse the entire selection of birthday poems and choose the one that says exactly what you are trying to express on this very special day.

Funny 40th Birthday Poems

Turning forty is not really a happy occasion for many. To be considered "over the hill" is some people's worst nightmare! Therefore, sending someone special a funny 40th birthday poem is just the right thing to do. Not only will it bring a light note into the scenario, but it will also be the perfect way to wish someone a happy 40th birthday in a funny and amusing manner.

Funny 40th birthday poems can be a perfect gift if you choose one that suits the person. Personalize the poem with a little message that can be added at the bottom of the poem. Today there are many funny poems that are available - some are the wall version or the table version ones, which usually come with a recorder that records your personalized message for 10 seconds along with the funny 40 birthday poem. This recorder is attached on the back of the frame and can play almost 500 times over and over again without you having to change the batteries. The best part is that you can re-record it.

The idea of sending your friend or relative funny 40th birthday poems is to make them feel good and happy about their birthday, and not to make them hate the idea of getting old! Most of the time "over the hill" jokes, limericks and poems help to "soften the blow"! By the time the recipient has finished reading your poem or limerick, he/she will be so busy laughing that the thought of leaving the 30s behind and reaching 40 will be farthest from their mind!

It is obvious that 40 is an important landmark in a person's life, and therefore it requires something special and different. Show the person who is celebrating their fortieth birthday that you appreciate them by sending them a gift that is unique, nostalgic as well as humorous. Use poems that are not cruel or sarcastic. Having fun by sending them a funny poem over which they can laugh is one thing, but going overboard and mean is another.

Since you know the person who is going to be turning forty well, it is very easy to decide how far you can go when it comes to sending them a funny poem, or gag. You should be able to gauge whether a poem that starts with "Hey, I hope you can read this or do you need a magnifying glass...." or a gift of "false teeth" would be taken as a joke or not. Hilarious gags and gifts are a dime a dozen and one can never run out of "over the hill" ideas.

Everyone is getting older and even if one does not want to admit it; a fortieth birthday is a great opportunity to send a light and funny poem to your friend or relative to make getting older easier. A funny poem puts a little bit of fun and life into a birthday. You can make your friends laugh while you talk about the dreaded middle age - while referring to an easy chair, the electric blanket, failing eyes and even graying hair!

Help your friend enjoy and appreciate his/her 40th birthday by making sure your wishes are heartfelt, true, sincere and of course - full of humor. Make it a point to lighten the burden of knowing that one has turned 40!

50th Birthday Poems

Turning fifty is not just any old birthday. Some of us face it with enthusiasm and eagerness, while others look forward to this milestone with some degree of trepidation. Fifty years is a turning point, and many people feel that they are no longer young.

A 50th birthday poem is a great way to remind those we love that they are only as old as they feel - or, if you are feeling mischievous, a poem can remind them that they are, indeed, over the hill and point out all of the aches and pains to come.

Here is a sample from an insightful poem:

Happy birthday, time for reflection,

All those years, journeys collection.

Fifty years, cease to serve,

Unwind; and simply observe.

This poem reflects on the virtues of taking it slow and enjoying all that life has to offer. You have passed the hurry and bustle of youth and made a significant mark; now you have the opportunity to relax and appreciate the subtle pleasures of a life well-lived and years of fulfillment to come.

Give the gift of a 50th birthday poem and let them know that, just like a finely-crafted wine, they are growing in depth and richness as the years pass.

Adding birthday poems to cards or gifts brings that special touch that lets them know they are truly loved and appreciated. Your poem will be treasured as a keepsake for many years - we have even known people who received a 50th birthday poem to have it framed for everyone to see.

For those who are worried that their life is now headed downhill, reassure them with humor to lighten the mood and remind them that the best is yet to come. Everything they have worked so hard for has come to fruition, and they are poised to enjoy everything that life now has to offer.

If your mother or father is turning fifty, there is no better time to show them your appreciation for everything they have done for you. And why not include a special poem from the grandchildren - they will be thrilled with such a special gift from their precious little ones.

50th birthday poems are a wonderful way to share your appreciation for your friends or family. Why not add birthday poems to a gift basket or a bottle of wine, or slip one into a thoughtful birthday card? Make your gift stand out and let your loved one know how much they mean to you - a poem is an extra special touch that shows the effort and time you put into choosing a gift to commemorate this once-in-a-lifetime event.

This milestone birthday is one to be remembered always. Saying how you feel with a poem can be the best gift they receive at this festive time. Make the big day into a true celebration by giving the gift of a 50th birthday poem.

My appreciation for poetry inspired me to create Special Birthday Poems. This is a website where I share my rhyming 50th birthday poems and encourage everyone to share them with their family and friends. I have been writing these poems for nearly 3 years.

My selection of verses has poems that are suitable for any birthday celebration. Each category contains a number of meaningful verses that are created to make each birthday a day to remember forever. Feel free to browse the entire selection of birthday poems and choose the one that says exactly what you are trying to express on this very special day.

Birthday Poems For Friends

A birthday poem makes a wonderful gift on its own, or you can slip one into a birthday card or brightly-wrapped package as part of a larger gift. Let the ones you care about the most know how you really feel - you can create a memory that lasts forever when you send them their own unique happy birthday poem.

Here is just one example of a great birthday poem:

Happy birthday you look the same,

Time is flying by, who should we blame?

Aging can't be all that bad,

More experiences, you get to add.

Your loved ones will appreciate so much that you put the extra time and thought into finding them a gift that speaks your mind and lets them know how much you care about them.

Every birthday is a great cause for celebration. Each year, throughout a person's life, that one day belongs uniquely to them - it is a day to salute their lives and let them know that you appreciate them and all that they mean to you - everything they add to your life.

What better way to express this than with happy birthday poems that celebrate the things you have shared together?

If you think happy birthday poems or themed birthday poems will brighten your loved one's special moment, share a poem with your friends and family.

When you put your heart into choosing a birthday gift, such as thoughtful happy birthday poems, your loved ones will always remember this thoughtful gesture. Nothing means more than a gift from the heart, so let a poem say what you feel, but have trouble putting into your own words.

With the gift of a birthday poem, you can be sure that you are giving the ones you care about something that no one else can, and something that they will treasure forever. A birthday is always a special occasion, and there is no better way to commemorate the life of a friend, or of those dearest to you, than by celebrating their lives with happy birthday poems.

Whether you want to cheer someone up with a funny verse or tell them how much you appreciate their presence in your life, whether it is the birthday of a parent, a brother or sister, or your best friend, you can find poems that say exactly what you want to express, or try your hand at writing your own.

Let a special occasion be the start of a new tradition. Make those birthday celebrations even more meaningful when you share the gift of a special happy birthday poem.

My appreciation for poetry inspired me to create Special Birthday Poems. This is a website where I share my rhyming happy birthday poems and encourage everyone to share them with their family and friends. I have been writing these poems for nearly 3 years.

My selection of verses has poems that are suitable for any birthday celebration. Each category contains a number of meaningful verses that are created to make each birthday a day to remember forever. Feel free to browse the entire selection of birthday poems and choose the one that says exactly what you are trying to express on this very special day.